Show your support.

Make a donation.

Donate Online

All donations above $2 are tax deductible. You will receive an automatic receipt for tax purposes.

Donate to our programs that support people who experience unique barriers to employment, while improving facilities that assist in leading pathways to secure job opportunities.

Click here to donate today!

Donate by EFT

Support our work by donating via electronic funds transfer. Donations above $2 are tax-deductible. Donations are payable to:
St Peter’s Eastern Social Enterprise
BSB: 033-002
Account: 047364

Please add the reference “SPSE donation” for each transaction. Email when you have made the payment, and we will issue you with a receipt for taxation purposes.

How we use your information

Electronic payments are handled by our payment platform Stripe. To find out more about how Stripe keeps your information safe, read about Security at Stripe.

St Peter’s Social Enterprise respects and safeguards our donor’s information. We will never disclose your confidential information to a third party.